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ui_pref_background 2017-01-09 ui_pref_background 2025-02-14 (current)
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-====== Background Page (Preferences Dialog) ====== +====== The Background Page (Preferences Dialog) ====== 
-The //Background page// on the [[ui_preferences|Preferences dialog]] allows you to configure behavior of WinSCP when [[transfer_queue|transferring files on background]].+The //Background page// on the [[ui_preferences|Preferences dialog]] allows you to configure behavior of WinSCP when [[transfer_queue|transferring files in background]].
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-===== Background Transfers =====+===== [[background_transfers]] Background Transfers =====
-The box //Maximal number of transfer at the same time// defines maximal number of background connections that WinSCP can automatically opened at the same time and thus maximal number of parallel background transfers. If you schedule more transfers the others will wait in queue. You can always instruct WinSCP to process [[ui_queue#manage|particular transfer despite the limits]].+The box //Maximal number of transfers at the same time// defines maximal number of background connections that WinSCP can automatically opened at the same time and thus maximal number of parallel background transfers. If you schedule more transfers the others will wait in queue. You can always instruct WinSCP to process [[ui_queue#manage|particular transfer despite the limits]].
When //Enable queue processing by default// is checked, WinSCP starts processing the queue as soon as the first item is added to the list. If it is unchecked, you have to explicitly ask for the queue to be processed using command //Commands > Queue > Process queue// (the command is also available on the queue toolbar). Once the queue is completed, processing is disabled and has to be explicitly enabled again the next time. When //Enable queue processing by default// is checked, WinSCP starts processing the queue as soon as the first item is added to the list. If it is unchecked, you have to explicitly ask for the queue to be processed using command //Commands > Queue > Process queue// (the command is also available on the queue toolbar). Once the queue is completed, processing is disabled and has to be explicitly enabled again the next time.
-The //Transfer on background by default// checkbox makes WinSCP perform all transfers on background. You can always alter this for particular transfer on [[ui_copy|transfer options dialog]] (if enabled).+The //Transfer in background by default// checkbox makes WinSCP perform all transfers in background. You can always alter this for particular transfer on [[ui_copy|transfer options dialog]] (if enabled).
-The //Transfer each file individually on background by default// checkbox makes WinSCP en-queue each selected file as separate transfer by default. You can always alter this for particular transfer on [[ui_copy|transfer options dialog]] (if enabled).+The //Use multiple connections for single transfer// checkbox allows WinSCP to use multiple connections for large queued batch transfers.((Multiple connections are not used, when using //Upload/Download and Delete// command or when [[ui_transfer_custom#common|preserving timestamps of directories]] is enabled. The feature is also not supported with [[scp|SCP protocol]].)) 
 +Normally, each file is transferred using specific connection. That means that multiple connections are used, when transferring multiple files only. With SFTP, you can even enable use of multiple connections when downloading a single large file by checking //Use multiple connections for single file above// and specifying a size threshold. You can use ''K'' unit for kilobytes, ''M'' for megabytes and ''G'' for gigabytes. Minimum is one kilobyte. //This is an experimental feature available in the latest version only. Use with caution.// &recent
You can check //No confirmations for background transfers// to avoid [[ui_pref_environment#confirmations|overwrite and other confirmations]] for the background transfer. You can check //No confirmations for background transfers// to avoid [[ui_pref_environment#confirmations|overwrite and other confirmations]] for the background transfer.

Last modified: by martin