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Topic review

Christian M

Re: Error downloading files error decoding packet

martin wrote:

What SFTP server is that? Can you post a complete session log file on level 2?

The target of the script is a server we host here (that i don't have access to) that houses several different folders with username/password logins tied to them. In those folders data can vary but in this case it is 2 .bak files. The task of the script is to use their username/password and download the 2 files to a local drive on their server. I have asked the client to enable level 2 debugging and sent him the code to enable it. Will update ticket once they send the file back.

Re: Error downloading files error decoding packet

What SFTP server is that? Can you post a complete session log file on level 2?
Christian M.

Error downloading files error decoding packet


Any help is appreciated. I have a client who is using WinSCP with powershell to automate downloading of 2 .bak files (~10gb total). It has recently began throwing either timeout or decoding errors.

Version of WinSCP - latest
Version of Microsoft Windows -server 2016
Transfer protocol - SFTP
Type - Scripting