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Topic review

Sebastian Lisken

Re: Interface theme "System" still has animated menus

Thanks a lot for the positive response. By the way, I left out one byte in the mask value - (hex) 02000000 is correct. You probably guessed that already. :-)

Re: Interface theme "System" still has animated menus

I'll consider that :-)
Sebastian Lisken

Interface theme "System" still has animated menus

Hi, after an upgrade to 3.8 I was immediately annoyed by the new menu style. I soon found the "Interface theme" setting in "Options > Preferences > Environment > Interface" and gratefully set it to "System". *However*, WinSCP continues to use these unnerving menu animations - you know what I mean, the menu going down (or sideways for submenus) in this slow way. It's just extra response time and wasted CPU cycles. Please, please, fix that. If I choose "System" and have animated menus disabled in my system, I don't want them in the otherwise fabulous WinSCP. The setting in the system is the 7th most significant bit in the binary value HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\UserPreferencesMask (in other words, it's that value masked by 0x020000). Thanks.