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Re: Incompatible with freesshd

So it does not look like a WinSCP problem. Actually we do not have a good experience with freeSSHd.

Re: Incompatible with freesshd

Hm, tried with psftp, not really. `ls` gives nothing but "." and "..". If I try "cd c:\", I get an error: "Directory /c:\: bad message".

Freesshd reports the current directory as "/", so one assumes its path system is somewhat unixy, but it's entirely unclear how do those unixlike paths map to the server's Windows style filesystem.

Re: Incompatible with freesshd

Can you see the files using any other SFTP client?

Incompatible with freesshd

WinSCP 5.17.7 on Windows 10, connecting to a freesshd ( <invalid hyperlink removed by admin> ) server on Windows 7 over SFTP using key based auth. I can connect fine, but the folder appears empty. The current path shows up as /, which is wrong. You can't change directories manually, because WinSCP prepends all paths with /.

In the list of options for server shell in the connection properties, there's no way to specify cmd.exe, which would be the right one in this case.