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Re: Directly write contents of a string object to the remote file

sara.m_@... wrote:

I have the same problem as Gert and I would like to put one file from a Stream without writing it first on disk. Could you send me the development build too please (both the .exe and the .dll)?


Re: Directly write contents of a string object to the remote file

Hello Martin,

I have the same problem as Gert and I would like to put one file from a Stream without writing it first on disk. Could you send me the development build too please (both the .exe and the .dll)?
Thank you very much.


Re: Development build

tj wrote:

I was wondering if it would be possible to get the dev build with support for streaming with SFTP protocol (5.18), so I can try it and see if it will meet my needs?

Sent to your email.

Development build

I was wondering if it would be possible to get the dev build with support for streaming with SFTP protocol (5.18), so I can try it and see if it will meet my needs?


Thanks Martin!

Looking forward for the streaming option! For the moment, I'll stick to the practice of first writing to the local file


Re: Directly write contents of a string object to the remote file

It's not supported in the current version of WinSCP.

The next version of WinSCP will supporting streaming with SFTP protocol:

I can provide you a development build, if you want to try it.

Directly write contents of a string object to the remote file


Being aware that my question perhaps is not in line with the SCP-protocol, I wondered if it is possible to directly write the contents of a .NET string to the remote file? Using the PutFiles-method I see that the first two parameters are localPath and remotePath. I would like to skip the step of first writing the string contents to a local file and then using the PutFiles but the method doesn't seem to have an overload to support this approach. Is there a way to accomplish this with WinSCP?

Thanks very much,
