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Re: Download files and append new value to the existing name

It's not possible to add a prefix, when downloading the files selected using a file mask.
You would have to retrieve the file list (Session.ListDirectory) and download the files one by one.
Or change the naming strategy to add a suffix instead.

Download files and append new value to the existing name


I need your help.. I have made a PS script which is working just fine, but now I would like to add today date into a file name... For example files that I am downloading are named,, etc... and for bulk download I am using in
$FilesToRetrieve = "test*.zip"
$transferResult = $session.GetFiles($FilesToRetrieve, $DestinationPath, $False, $transferOptions)

For Destination path I am assigning following value: "C:\Downloads\20200903_*"
and this is working, but not in a nice way and I am not able to find why... it assigns new value (date) but it cuts off old name, so for example it place new name like
Hope that I explained well... Thanks in advance!