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Re: Confusion of Chinese names ---> “开发”

Did you test it with the Windows built-in sftp console client?

Confusion of Chinese names ---> “开发”

When I use winscp 5.17.7 to access a Windows 10 host(Enable OpenSSH Server), the directory containing "开发" in the path will disappear. If you forcibly create a path with this name, an error will be reported and a new directory with garbled characters will be created, and other Chinese directories will become confused.

Then I tried some other Chinese characters, and some characters will cause various situations.

So I tried the same test on ubuntu 2004 again. When I visited ubuntu 2004, Winscp did not report an error. It is normal to create a directory with this name.

Now I am not sure if this fault is caused by Windows 10 or Winscp.

My PC:
Windows 10 2004(H1) X64
Winscp 5.17.7