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Re: Open session in Putty (SSH) -> Username is escaped

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Open session in Putty (SSH) -> Username is escaped

I have reconfigured WinSCP to point to the ssh.exe now built in to Windows 10 rather than Putty (
Many of our Linux machines I am connecting to are joined to our Active Directory domain. So, my username is "domain\username".

When WinSCP then launches ssh, the command line it sends the username as domain\\username (escaped with a double backslash). This then fails to authenticate.

I did find that if I use the other username format (username@domain) that then works correctly.

I see that the custom "prompt" value that can be past into the WinSCP setting has a setting to not escape it, but I don't see a way to do that with the username parameter. Is there a way for it to work with the domain\username format?