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Topic review


Re: Please increase the size of input at dialog for editing files

Thanks for your feedback.

Re: Please increase the size of input at dialog for editing files

I used the version you had sent to me and what a joy: that was exactly what I needed. For testing I took something like 12k line with more files than I need and it accepted them all and opened them all!
You are doing excellent job, Martin!
God bless you!

Re: Please increase the size of input at dialog for editing files

Thanks for your suggestion.

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Please increase the size of input at dialog for editing files

WinSCP already has this excellent feature to edit multiple files at one prompt with edit dialog
You can also open an existing file this way, or even multiple files by separating their paths with semicolon (;).

But trouble is that input size of that window is limited to just 256 symbols.
This could be hardly enough for some very long full name of the file at remote side, not to mention multiple pathes of files.
I would recommend to increase it at least to 32/64K or something.
Sometime there is a need to open multiple files using full path for each.
Thank you for your great work!