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Topic review


Anonymous wrote:

Is there anything fixed in 3.8 that I need to be concerned about losing if I downgrade. I'm mostly wondering about security issues.

Check version history. I do not think there were any security issues in 3.7.6.


Is there anything fixed in 3.8 that I need to be concerned about losing if I downgrade. I'm mostly wondering about security issues.

Re: Editing or opening files with colon in name

It seems like a bug introduced in 3.8. You can downgrade to 3.7.6.

Editing or opening files with colon in name

WinSCP3 version 3.8.0 (build 312)
Explorer interface
sftp protocol

In the preferences dialog under "Transfer" I have the "replace \:?..." checkbox checked.

If I try to open or edit a file with a : (or any illegal character for that matter) in the file name it errors out. The file gets downloaded to the temp directory correctly with the file name changed, but it then tries to open/edit it with the original name. Shouldn't it use the converted name? How difficult would it be to map the old and new names?