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Re: Some files from remote directory not displayed

Sorry, I do not know such details about hosting providers limits.

Re: Some files from remote directory not displayed

Martin, thank you, do you know of any shared hosting companies that do not impose the file limit on shared hosting accounts?

Some files from remote directory not displayed

Version 5.17.8, Windows 10, FTP, GUI
I assume that this problem is not due to WinSCP but I'm looking for a solution around it.

My remote directory on Bluehost has about 11,000 image files in it. Of those only about 8,000 display in the remote directory window in WinCSP. I know that the files are there for 2 reasons - I can view them using the their URL and I can see them in Bluehost's file manager. Also, when I use Filezilla it displays exactly the same set of files and omits the same files. So I assume this is a protocol limitation (FTP vs something else). We use the directory primarily for a one-time product image upload to eBay or another website and then for storage and relisting the product on rare occasions, so speed isn't a big factor in choosing the protocol. It would just be convenient to verify that the file is there when we need to update an image or download it for various purposes. What is the best fix?