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Topic review


Re: auto refresh of contents in folders when selecting them

brw wrote:

My only complaint about this application is when I swap viewing between different folders I have to hit the refresh button to see the current status of that folder. If not, it will show me the status of a folder the last time I viewed it. Is there any way to enable auto refresh when you select a new folder in the

Depending on what you mean by "swap viewing", disabling directory cache may help you:

auto refresh of contents in folders when selecting them

WinSCP is a fantastic application. I use it extensively to manage a large number of Linux Virtual Machines from my windows pc. Besides transferring files, it is nice to be able to view files, edit them in a windows environment instead of having to use the command line and vi editor all the time.

My only complaint about this application is when I swap viewing between different folders I have to hit the refresh button to see the current status of that folder. If not, it will show me the status of a folder the last time I viewed it. Is there any way to enable auto refresh when you select a new folder in the

I know this is not how the tool was intended to be used, but it is very helpful and this feature would be a large help for certain applications like mine.


Aww, and I was hoping you would say "yes, upgrade to version x.y.z" :?

Anyway thanks, keep up the good work on a great product, and look forward to seeing this feature in a later version, it really would save me a lot of time :)

Re: Turning Off Auto Refresh

Added to wishlist :-)

Turning Off Auto Refresh

I'm using WinSCP 3.6.6.

Every time I upload a file to the remote server, he always forces a reload of the entire remote directory in the right hand pane. As my remote directory has about 2000 files in it, this can be painfully slow, sometimes a couple of minutes or more.

Is there any way in this version (or in a later version), to only refresh the the remote directory when I choose, and not after every single upload ?