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Topic review


I couldn't actually paste the logs as they are confidential with the file names.

Though, however would like to ask what the default timeout is for file transfer session?

How long does a session stay open defaultly to transfer the entire file?

Sorry, your questions are way too vague. We need some evidence: A WinSCP .NET assembly session log file + an output of your PowerShell script.


few questions:

1.) Does this capture the Exit Code : 0?

2.) I am asking because I don't get an exit code when Files get aborted in the background mid way through a transfer..

Please assist on this. Thank you!

Output Exit Codes C#

Hello, I have a code that can output all exit codes besides the 0..

But, I would like to be output the exit code 0 based on file upload success.

I saw a class which had Int EXITCODE field.. but I would like an example to how to implement it.