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Re: Scripting "open" does not work

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Re: Scripting "open" does not work

martin wrote:

You haven't written WHAT does not work. However I suppose that you are using version 3.8 beta that has bug making "open" command fail when a password is specified as its arguments. Please downgrade.

WHAT not work is that I don't get connection to the server.
Used version 3.7.6 build 306

Re: Scripting "open" does not work

You haven't written WHAT does not work. However I suppose that you are using version 3.8 beta that has bug making "open" command fail when a password is specified as its arguments. Please downgrade.

Scripting "open" does not work

I try to use scripting for automatic transfers, but I'me not able to login with the script.
When I use the /console command and open manualy, the connection works good. But when I put this in a script I have to type the username, and this does not work.


What am I doing wrong?
It's quit a funny and very lang username.

Names are not for real!