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Topic review


Re: Dont clear hostname \ port \ protocol \ username after fail connection

This is already implemented in 5.18 beta:

Dont clear hostname \ port \ protocol \ username after fail connection

Hi. My opinion is that WinSCP is the best tool for working with ssh \ ftp on Windows. And probably on MacOS too (there are not so convenient clients).
But actually, I wanted to call it "Why does winscp hate users?
The reason for this idea is in the simple user experience that 100% of application users encounter when they first try to connect:

When you make a mistake in the input field (choose the wrong protocol \ port \ username \ password \ remote server is sleeping) - you will see the connection error. OK. But you can't easily fix your mistake and connect again.

If you have a connection error Winscp clears all 5 fields of the connection settings, to the left of me just carefully entered them. This is just a diabolical joke, offers to re-enter all the fields. Even if you made a mistake in just 1 digit of the port or password.

Screenshots here
3. completely clean.

Why can't we not clear the fields, but leave the opportunity to fix them? Who likes to fill in all forms again ?

Maybe the function of saving the context of the last session is already present in the program, but it is off by default? Tell us how to enable it...

I won't say that other ftp\ssh clients have the possibility to fix the bug and try to connect again. And there is a history of the last connections, where you can quickly re-connect to a recent server, even if it is not saved in the bookmarks.

And yes, I'm not talking about a situation where connections are worth adding to the bookmarks. I am talking about a situation when I need to connect to a server once and do something, I don't plan to connect to it at all again. But connecting to such servers is a real torture.

Please give me hope that it can be made more convenient in the future.