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Re: "Server refused to start a shell/command" error with 3.7

vj wrote:

Is there a way to set the SCP protocol in a script file?

"open scp://session". See "help open".

Re: "Server refused to start a shell/command" error with 3.7

martin wrote:

SCP fallback is broken in WinSCP 3.7.5. You need to request SCP protocol explicitly on login dialog.

Is there a way to set the SCP protocol in a script file?

Re: "Server refused to start a shell/command" error with 3.7

That did the trick!!

Thanks so much for the quick reply!

martin wrote:

SCP fallback is broken in WinSCP 3.7.5. You need to request SCP protocol explicitly on login dialog.

Re: "Server refused to start a shell/command" error with 3.7.5 b

SCP fallback is broken in WinSCP 3.7.5. You need to request SCP protocol explicitly on login dialog.

"Server refused to start a shell/command" error with 3.7.5 b

Hello all!

I have run into a problem with WinSCP 3.7.5 beta.

When I try to login to one particular server I get the error "Server refused to start a shell/command".

Using version 3.7.4 I'm able to login without any problems.

I am using the Norton interface

The remote system is a FreeBSD 4.3 box.

Thanks for any help with this!

Here are the debug logs:

WinSCP Version 3.7.4 (Build 271) (OS 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2)
Login time: Wednesday, July 20, 2005 9:24:45 AM
Session name: State
Host name: (Port: 22)
User name: xxxxxxx (Password: No, Key file: No)
Transfer Protocol: SFTP (SCP)
SSH protocol version: 2; Compression: Yes
Agent forwarding: No; TIS/CryptoCard: No; KI: Yes; GSSAPI: No
Ciphers: aes,blowfish,3des,WARN,des; Ssh2DES: No
Ping type: -, Ping interval: 30 sec; Timeout: 15 sec
SSH Bugs: -,-,-,-,-,-,-,-
SFTP Bugs: -,-,-
Proxy: none
Return code variable: Autodetect; Lookup user groups: Yes
Shell: default, EOL: 0
Local directory: C:\, Remote directory: home, Update: No, Cache: Yes
Cache directory changes: Yes, Permanent: Yes
Clear aliases: Yes, Unset nat.vars: Yes, Resolve symlinks: Yes
Alias LS: No, Ign LS warn: Yes, Scp1 Comp: No
Looking up host ""
Connecting to port 22
Server version: SSH-1.99-OpenSSH_2.3.0 20010321
We believe remote version has SSH2 rekey bug
We claim version: SSH-2.0-WinSCP_release_3.7.4
Using SSH protocol version 2
Doing Diffie-Hellman group exchange
Doing Diffie-Hellman key exchange
Host key fingerprint is:
ssh-dss 1024 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
Initialised AES-256 client->server encryption
Initialised HMAC-SHA1 client->server MAC algorithm
Initialised zlib (RFC1950) compression
Initialised AES-256 server->client encryption
Initialised HMAC-SHA1 server->client MAC algorithm
Initialised zlib (RFC1950) decompression
Using username "xxxxxxx".
Session password prompt (xxxxxxx@'s password: )
Asking user for password.
Sent password
Access granted
Opened channel for session
Primary command failed; attempting fallback
Started a shell/command
Using SCP protocol.
Doing startup conversation with host.
Skipping host startup message (if any).


and for 3.7.5 beta

. 2005-07-20 09:50:20.265 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. 2005-07-20 09:50:20.265 WinSCP Version 3.7.5 (Build 294) (OS 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2)
. 2005-07-20 09:50:20.265 Login time: Wednesday, July 20, 2005 9:50:20 AM
. 2005-07-20 09:50:20.265 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. 2005-07-20 09:50:20.265 Session name: State
. 2005-07-20 09:50:20.265 Host name: (Port: 22)
. 2005-07-20 09:50:20.265 User name: xxxxxxx (Password: No, Key file: No)
. 2005-07-20 09:50:20.265 Transfer Protocol: SFTP (SCP)
. 2005-07-20 09:50:20.265 SSH protocol version: 2; Compression: Yes
. 2005-07-20 09:50:20.265 Agent forwarding: No; TIS/CryptoCard: No; KI: Yes; GSSAPI: No
. 2005-07-20 09:50:20.265 Ciphers: aes,blowfish,3des,WARN,des; Ssh2DES: No
. 2005-07-20 09:50:20.265 Ping type: -, Ping interval: 30 sec; Timeout: 15 sec
. 2005-07-20 09:50:20.265 SSH Bugs: -,-,-,-,-,-,-,-
. 2005-07-20 09:50:20.265 SFTP Bugs: -,-,-
. 2005-07-20 09:50:20.265 Proxy: none
. 2005-07-20 09:50:20.265 Return code variable: Autodetect; Lookup user groups: Yes
. 2005-07-20 09:50:20.265 Shell: default, EOL: 0
. 2005-07-20 09:50:20.265 Local directory: C:\, Remote directory: home, Update: No, Cache: Yes
. 2005-07-20 09:50:20.265 Cache directory changes: Yes, Permanent: Yes
. 2005-07-20 09:50:20.265 Clear aliases: Yes, Unset nat.vars: Yes, Resolve symlinks: Yes
. 2005-07-20 09:50:20.265 Alias LS: No, Ign LS warn: Yes, Scp1 Comp: No
. 2005-07-20 09:50:20.265 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. 2005-07-20 09:50:20.265 Looking up host ""
. 2005-07-20 09:50:20.265 Connecting to port 22
. 2005-07-20 09:50:20.281 Server version: SSH-1.99-OpenSSH_2.3.0 20010321
. 2005-07-20 09:50:20.281 We believe remote version has SSH-2 rekey bug
. 2005-07-20 09:50:20.281 We claim version: SSH-2.0-WinSCP_release_3.7.5
. 2005-07-20 09:50:20.281 Using SSH protocol version 2
. 2005-07-20 09:50:20.281 Doing Diffie-Hellman group exchange
. 2005-07-20 09:50:20.406 Doing Diffie-Hellman key exchange
. 2005-07-20 09:50:20.562 Host key fingerprint is:
. 2005-07-20 09:50:20.562 ssh-dss 1024 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
. 2005-07-20 09:50:20.562 Initialised AES-256 client->server encryption
. 2005-07-20 09:50:20.562 Initialised HMAC-SHA1 client->server MAC algorithm
. 2005-07-20 09:50:20.562 Initialised zlib (RFC1950) compression
. 2005-07-20 09:50:20.562 Initialised AES-256 server->client encryption
. 2005-07-20 09:50:20.562 Initialised HMAC-SHA1 server->client MAC algorithm
. 2005-07-20 09:50:20.562 Initialised zlib (RFC1950) decompression
! 2005-07-20 09:50:20.562 Using username "xxxxxxx".
. 2005-07-20 09:50:20.578 Session password prompt (xxxxxxx@'s password: )
. 2005-07-20 09:50:20.578 Asking user for password.
. 2005-07-20 09:50:23.718 Sent password
. 2005-07-20 09:50:23.734 Access granted
. 2005-07-20 09:50:23.734 Opened channel for session
. 2005-07-20 09:50:23.734 Server refused to start a shell/command
* 2005-07-20 09:50:23.734 (ESshFatal) Authentication failed.
* 2005-07-20 09:50:23.734 Authentication log (see session log for details):
* 2005-07-20 09:50:23.734 Using username "xxxxxxx".
* 2005-07-20 09:50:23.734
* 2005-07-20 09:50:23.734 Server refused to start a shell/command