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Topic review


Re: checking for updates, incorrect url displayed

Yes, Martin, you are right! Thank you. Going to the HELP menu and selecting version history displays the correct information, and the help button correctly displays help for updates. One follow-up suggestion for beta releases, when you select help menu item "check for updates", it would be helpful (if possible) for the message box to display message like "New version 3.8 BETA was released". Thanks for your help.

Re: checking for updates, incorrect url displayed

No the hint says that you should go to "Help" menu (not "Help" button) and select there "Version History". The "help" button on box about updates naturally opens help page about updates.

checking for updates, incorrect url displayed

Release: 3.7.6
Problem: Select HELP, CHECK FOR UPDATES, HELP. That should trigger URL as displayed in message "HINT: Use help menu to open application history page to see list of new features". However, instead of opening the history page, it opens which does nt display new releases and features. It should trigger the history URL which display features: