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Topic review


Re: How do I use an exclude mask

You need to separate the masks by semicolon, see an example in help.

Re: How do I use an exclude mask

martin wrote:

option exclude <mask>

this does not work correctly when using multiple options.


I have a listing of files including dirs. I want to download everything except two dirs names 'dist' and 'build' wherever they were in a directory tree. So I set two options:

option exclude */dist/
option exclude */build/

the get command wont exclude the directories when using those two options.

On the other hand at most one of these options work and only when these is the only one. In other words, the combination of multiple exclude options (I gues inclusions too) won't work either way.

Can this be verified or fixed?

Re: How do I use an exclude mask

option exclude <mask>

How do I use an exclude mask


Could someone show me how to use an exclude mask when doing a synchorize from the command line?

I tried synchronise local C:\test /local/test -exclude *.exe and it doesn't work..
