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Re: Cannot set Setting SFTP KeyFile using scripting

Thank you I never got that out of everything I read.

Re: Cannot set Setting SFTP KeyFile using scripting

open s -privatekey=mykey.ppk

But that's pretty obvious. So I guess you must have a different problem. But we can hardly know what that is, if you do not show us what are you doing.

Re: Cannot set Setting SFTP KeyFile using scripting

I have read everything. Nothing makes sense, all I want to do is to create a script that can use a key file. What more could you possibly need?

Re: Cannot set Setting SFTP KeyFile using scripting

Sorry, your post does not include enough information.

Please read how to troubleshoot problems with WinSCP. If it turns out that you are not able to help yourself, read how to ask for support or report bugs efficiently, so others can help you.

Cannot set Setting SFTP KeyFile using scripting

Hi I am trying to connect to an SFTP server specifying a key file. Can not seem to get it to work