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Re: WinSCP Hangs after connecting

How do you "reconnect"?

WinSCP Hangs after connecting

WinSCP v380 hangs often after connecting to a server. I'm not sure, but it might be related to having two instances open at some point and then eventually it stops working. If I get logged out and try to reconnect, it shows me a directory tree, but if I click on anything (menu items, nodes in the directory) it does nothing and then eventually says "not responding" in the title bar. I don't recall this happening with version 376. I installed 380 on Jan 25,2006 and have been struggling with this issue every since.
Once this problem occurs, restarting the app does not help. Logging out/in does not help. Restarting the computer DOES help. Switching from commander to explorer UI DOES help and things continue to work after switching back to the commander UI!

SFTP (allow fallback)
Windows XP Pro SP2 (build 2600.xpsp.050301-1521)
SFTP Protocol version 5
preferred ssh protocol version: 2
norton commander