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Re: How to set ShowHiddenFiles from /rawconfig

Thank you for your fast response Martin.
I appreciated.

Note for others :
This code does not work with SFTP protocol but SCP.

Re: How to set ShowHiddenFiles from /rawconfig

We are starting WinSCP from KeePass with following CMD, however ShowHiddenFiles comes false as default. How can we change it from false to true without ini file?

It's not True, but 1 (or on, since WinSCP 5.18.1):
/rawconfig Interface\ShowHiddenFiles=1

There was a shell command however no example at RawSetting.
How to use /Shell flag from Cmd Startup as follow?

The same way as LocalDirectory:
/rawsettings LocalDirectory=themes\theme Shell="sudo -u username -s"

How to set ShowHiddenFiles from /rawconfig


I was wondering if help us,

We are starting WinSCP from KeePass with following CMD, however ShowHiddenFiles comes false as default. How can we change it from false to true without ini file?

cmd://"..\..\WinSCP\WinSCP\WinSCP.exe" sftp://user:pass@domain:/username/web1/ /rawsettings LocalDirectory=themes\theme /ini=nul /rawconfig Interface\ShowHiddenFiles=True

does not works

Second Question is
There was a shell command however no example at RawSetting.
How to use /Shell flag from Cmd Startup as follow?

cmd://"..\..\WinSCP\WinSCP\WinSCP.exe" sftp://user:pass@domain:/username/web1/ /rawsettings LocalDirectory=themes\theme /ini="..\..\settings.ini" /Shell="sudo -u username -s"

/Shell="sudo -u username -s"
/Shell=sudo -u username -s

or any variants does not works