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I upgraded to 4.3 today, after deleting 3.8.*
and still if I try to local a dvd or cdrom I get errors to remote with winscp,
I am using an ACER Aspire 1690

I don't recall if this was an issue on my desktop, will have to check.

So yep, this gremlin for at lease some configurations is still around.

Re: DVD transfer error

magdalen wrote:

I've got a CD that one of the avi files barfs wtih the same error "invalid argument to date encode". the file is over 300 MB so I do'nt dare email it to you. Do you want it? Would it be useful for testing?

This should be fixed with 3.8.1. Have you tried it?

Re: DVD transfer error

Hi Martin, first off THANK YOU for WinSCP it's amazing, it lets me use my linux server like a virtual drive wherever I go.

I've got a CD that one of the avi files barfs wtih the same error "invalid argument to date encode". the file is over 300 MB so I do'nt dare email it to you. Do you want it? Would it be useful for testing?

I just foudn this forum with a google search for the error, and so if you want the ISO or somjething you can email me at (i set that alias up just now so I do'nt care if people start spamming it if they pick it up on this forum)



Re: DVD transfer error

Anonymous wrote:

It appears that a USB reader works to read my DVD on someone elses box. Could it be hardware specific?

I'm still investigating this. But yes, it seems to be device or driver-specific.

DVD transfer error

It appears that a USB reader works to read my DVD on someone elses box. Could it be hardware specific?

danieff wrote:

HI, I also had problems with CD rom.

When trying do copy from local cdrom to remote site, I get "Invalid argument to date encode". If I skip, the file is ignored, instead do transferring without the date attribute.

As cdrom uses another file sistem, I imagine to be a bug while getting file attributes, that expects and hdd format.

Can you send me an email, so I can send you back a debug version of WinSCP?

HI, I also had problems with CD rom.

When trying do copy from local cdrom to remote site, I get "Invalid argument to date encode". If I skip, the file is ignored, instead do transferring without the date attribute.

As cdrom uses another file sistem, I imagine to be a bug while getting file attributes, that expects and hdd format.

ekominski wrote:

Is there another email address that I should use? When I send to your email address the email is returned as undeliverable. The file I am sending is about 1.4MB.

That's strange. I've received both your emails. Thanks!


Is there another email address that I should use? When I send to your mail address the email is returned as undeliverable. The file I am sending is about 1.4MB.



I sent an ISO image to your mail address. I burned a CDROM from this image using Nero version and then tried to copy a file from the CDROM using WinSCP with no success.

Thanks for your prompt reply


ekominski wrote:

If you like, I can email you an ISO image of a CDROM that exhibits the problem

Please, do! :-)

I too am having the same problem. If you like, I can email you an ISO image of a CDROM that exhibits the problem, although it seems that any CDROM will do for this purpose. My OS is Windows XP SP2 and I am using WinSCP version 3.7.6.

Also, I have verified that WinSCP version 3.3 running on Windows 2000 works fine.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Re: Copy from cdrom errors

Is there an image of the CD available somewhere for download?

Re: Copy from cdrom errors

martin wrote:

If you copy the file to HDD, can you then transfer it with WinSCP?

Yes, I can copy the data to a harddrive and then use WinSCP to copy the data. That adds an extra step that I would like to avoid if possible.
Thanks for your help,

Re: Copy from cdrom errors

If you copy the file to HDD, can you then transfer it with WinSCP?

Copy from cdrom errors

I am using WinSCP v 3.7.6 in WinXP sp2 and the remote site is a Suse Linux SLES9. I am able to login and copy data from a network drive or a local hard drive, but when I try to copy data from a CD it errors out.
The error message is:

Can't get attributes of file 'D:\sample.txt'.
Invalid argument to date encode
Abort, Retry, Skip, Skip all, <<Less

I probably have something setup wrong, but I can't seem to find out what. Data copies from everything else fine except the cdrom.

Thanks for a great tool,