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Re: unattended synchronzize with scripting doesn't

Does the synchronization work from GUI?

unattended synchronzize with scripting doesn't

I spent hourse until now to get a synchronize scripting to work.

my script should connect to the server and get all files from the remote dir and copy them to the local dir (if files are newer).

This is how the script looks like:

open user:pass@host
option batch on
option confirm off
option synchdelete off
option transfer automatic
option include *
option exclude clear
cd /opt/gissw/ArcIMS/log
synchronize local l:\tmp\log /opt/gissw/ArcIMS/log

What is shown in shell (Windows XP) is this:

C:\winnt\system32>C:\Programme\WinSCP\ /console /script=l:\tmp\WinSCP.script
Searching for host...
Connecting to host...
Using username "<user>".
Authenticating with pre-entered password.
Starting the session...
Reading remote directory...
Session started.
Active session: [1] <user>@<host>
batch on
confirm off
synchdelete off
transfer automatic
include *
Comparing 'l:\tmp\log' with '/opt/gissw/ArcIMS/log'...

So WinSCP seems to try to compare the directories but isn't copying anything.
The WinSCP prompt shows up as soon all lines are printed to the shell, no wait time or any other output. The local directory is completely empty.

What have I done wrong?

Re: Same Synchronization Problem

charman123 wrote:

I have the same problem. The /synchronize command only goes as far as bring up a synchronize window which then requires someone to click on OK. I'm running the latest beta. I have also tried it on earlier versions.

If you had have read a documentation, you would know that the command is NOT intended for automation. Please use scripting instead.

Same Synchronization Problem

I have the same problem. The /synchronize command only goes as far as bring up a synchronize window which then requires someone to click on OK. I'm running the latest beta. I have also tried it on earlier versions.

Re: Automated Synchronize option doesnt actually work.

I'm not sure what your problem is. Why do you think that script command "synchronize" is not automatic?

Automated Synchronize option doesnt actually work.

Although there is extensive reference to the Synchronize option under a scripted environment in the FAQs and user guides any script that gets deployed as such will not go through all the way of performing the sync, only up to the parameter window where a user then has to click on the button on a session which has now become interactive mode.
Has anyone actually implemented a simple UNATTNDED synchronisation script, regardless of what the FAQs and docs suggest.
