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Topic review


You would find the same information in the message you get, if you read it whole.

Sorry. I've missed that. How do you open/view the file from WinSCP?

Yes, that's what I said in my original message – I have selected that option.

Version 3.80 (Build 312)

It's probably a bug.

Re: External Editor - closed too early

What version of WinSCP are you using? Do you have set option "External editor opens multiple files in one window"? If you use some recent version, you should see hint regarding this on the message.

External Editor - closed too early

I have Firefox setup as my default browser and am having trouble viewing HTML log files using WinSCP. I keep getting the annoying 'closed too early' dialog box.

In the preferences I have Firefox setup as an external editor and selected the "multiple files in one process" check box.

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?