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I found the make.exe file and then i went to main source folder and i run /,make> command. The WinSCP is compiled succesfull!

I am new to C (C++) language. Is not easy programming language :shock: .

Any way, you have done a great job!

Anonymous wrote:

I have compile putty.bpr , RScpComp.bpr , ScpForms.bpr and ScpForms.bpr and created in Lib folder 4 same files as above, with .lib extension.

The only problem at this time is i dont know how to create the TBX_CB6.LIB file :(

It's in "packages" directory. However all the libraries are compiled at once if you type "make" in root folder of the source code archive.

I have compile putty.bpr , RScpComp.bpr , ScpForms.bpr and ScpForms.bpr and created in Lib folder 4 same files as above, with .lib extension.

The only problem at this time is i dont know how to create the TBX_CB6.LIB file :(

I edit the WinSCP3.bpr file to see what libraries are needed by compiler and i saw many *.lib files (Putty.lib, RScpComp.lib, ScpCore.lib, ScpForms.lib). I open the and i saw that there is no *.lib files in Lib folder.

Is that right?

Can you send me the putty.lib file at please ?

Finaly the <make> command was from my GCC compiler (from my WinAVR). When i unistall it make command was disappeared. The only command of DOS compiler of Borland's C++ is Bcc32.exe in my C:\Program Files\Borland\CBuilder6\Bin folder.

I went to my winscp380source folder and i type <bcc32 winscp3.cpp> to compile the source code. The error message was that the compiler cannot find some header files

Error E2209 WinSCP3.cpp 9: Unable to open include file 'ScpMain.h'
Error E2209 WinSCP3.cpp 10: Unable to open include file 'WinInterface.h'
Error E2209 WinSCP3.cpp 11: Unable to open include file 'ProgParams.h'

I copy this files to the same directory with winscp3.cpp file and i change the include command from:
#include <ScpMain.h>
#include <WinInterface.h>
#include <ProgParams.h>


#include "ScpMain.h"
#include "WinInterface.h"
#include "ProgParams.h"

but still compiler can not find this files.

Re: putty.lib where is this file?

Vasilis wrote:

When i tried to compiled from command prompt, i went to winscp380source folder and i type just make. Then i get the error <<makefile:2: *** missing separator. Stop.>>

That's the only output you get?

putty.lib where is this file?

Hi, i have try to compile the WinSCP3.bpr with borland c++ builder 6 (enterprice) and i take the error <<[Linker Fatal Error] Fatal: Unable to open file 'PUTTY.LIB'>>.

Where can i found this file ? it is produced by compiler ?

When i tried to compiled from command prompt, i went to winscp380source folder and i type just make. Then i get the error <<makefile:2: *** missing separator. Stop.>>

Can you help me please ? how to compile the source code ?