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Re: hiding inaccesible content, group options

Anonymous wrote:

Is it possible to also check the groups or doesn't the SFTP protocol allow checking to which group the logged-in user belongs?

No, it does not :-(

hiding inaccesible content, group options

Hi Martin,

thanks for writing the superb WinSCP. It is allowing me to replace an old windows server with linux + openssh running on even older hardware, yet still having a considerate speed gain and far greater possibilities for fixing a broken system.

With most users going productive on WinSCP now I have noticed a minor bug (or rather annoyance) in the latest version (3.8.0 beta, build 312).
I am using WinSCP for group directories on the server and there is the option of hiding things not relevant to the user (less confusion for the user):

Unchecking "Options -> Preferences -> Panels -> Show Inaccesible Directories" does hide all directories that are based on either "user" or "world" permissions. However, it does not check the directory based on group permissions. Is it possible to also check the groups or doesn't the SFTP protocol allow checking to which group the logged-in user belongs?
