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Topic review


Re: synchronization of small files

I guess you have "file size" set as compare criterion on the "synchronize" dialog, do you? And you have "ascii" transfer mode configured for .txt files, making its file size change on transfer, do you? See also documentation.

synchronization of small files

<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>[/img]

Re: synchronization of small files

rodrigomartinho wrote:

How can I post an image?

Either upload it to some site and post a link or email it to me.

synchronization of small files

Thanks for your help.

I'm already using the new 3.8 beta (started using it in order to see if that wouldn't happen in this version), but the problem happens the same way the previous version.

How can I post an image?[/img]

Re: synchronization of small files

What version? Can you try 3.8 beta? If it does not work, can you post (or email) screenshow of synchronisation checklist window?

synchronization of small files

Every time i try to synchronize my personal folder with my Linux server using option "file size", Winscp thinks a lot of small files have diferent sizes when they actually don't have. I have deleted them and copied again so i could be sure of that.

Is there a way this doesn't happen?