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Anonymous wrote:

I made a screenshot of te error :cry:

Please, post a log file.

I made a screenshot of te error :cry:

<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>

I got the same problem, "Copying files to remote side failed".

Just stopped working in 1 day. Just wanted to upload a new version of a file..

plz help

:-( Where ?

(and why does the older version of scp run fine ?)

Thanks, Jan

Re: WinSCP and chrooted scp issue

Maybe a PATH is set incorrectly?

WinSCP and chrooted scp issue

Sorry for cross-posting.

in Slackware 10.2, under scponly 4.6 chrooted shell, scp from openssh
4.2p1 (scp.c,v 1.125 2005/07/27 10:39:03 dtucker) works fine with WinSCP.

scp from openssh 4.3p1 (scp.c,v 1.130 2006/01/31 10:35:43 djm), however,
makes WinSCP say
> Copying files to remote side failed.
> Cannot execute SCP to start transfer. Please make sure that SCP is installed on the
> server and path to it is included in PATH. You may also try SFTP instead of SCP.
> Command failed with return code 1.

Under bash, both versions run fine.

Any idea / help ?
I'm ready to do any further testing / experiments.

