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Re: Undo A Command?

Emily wrote:

Just found the remote recycle bin option :)

Hopefully this will help in the future!

Thank you Emily and the developper, who implemented this function!!

(I wanted to use undo/redo command, but this function will helpful enough for me!)

Re: Undo A Command?

Just found the remote recycle bin option :)

Hopefully this will help in the future!

Re: Undo A Command?

Would it be possible to have a 'recycle bin' for this reason (only for the last deleted file)?

I have on more than one occasion, gone to rename a file on a unix box, and deleted it. If this is not possible, could rename be moved away from delete, or change it so that you can rename files by clicking on the name like you can in windows?


Re: Undo A Command?

Unless you have turned on logging in WinSCP you will hardly find it out. Also there is no undelete for SCP/SFTP.

Undo A Command?

This is probably a really stupid question...but here it goes..

If I connect to a linux server and inadvertently right click a file and choose delete....can I get that file back? Can I look somewhere and see exactly what it was that got deleted?

I've tried looking at the .bash_history file, but that only contains commands typed via putty.....
