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OK. Thank you.

Bastou wrote:

You suggest to use WinSCP in command-line mode. Yes, but what is the command to store sessions ? I can't find it.

It looks like you've completely missed the point :-)
I've suggested you to create the sessions with your script as you've originally intended to do. Just make it to store the passwords unencrypted (using 'PasswordPlain'). Then run WinSCP once (anyhow) to make it encrypt the password. Only 3.8 can do that. But you can use it just for the encryption and keep the stable version for actual work.

3.8 is a beta release. I can't use it because I must use a stable release.

You suggest to use WinSCP in command-line mode. Yes, but what is the command to store sessions ? I can't find it.


Re: How can I encrypt passwords for Windows registry ?

Why you cannot use it? For security reasons? You can store it in plain text and then run WinSCP once to make it encrypt the passwords. If you want to do that automatically, just run WinSCP with some function-less script. Like "winscp3.exe /console /command exit".

How can I encrypt passwords for Windows registry ?


I am using WinSCP 3.7.6 and I want to create a script to create Stored Sessions in Windows registry (~100).
My problem is for the password.
How can I encrypt it ? I saw that release 3.8 supports plain text but I can't use it.
Thank you for your answers.
