Re: When 5.18 would be release?
@nold: WinSCP 5.18 beta has been released already:
Before posting, please read how to report bug or request support effectively.
Bug reports without an attached log file are usually useless.
Thank you!Sent too.
Hi Martin, can you please provide the 5.18 link to me also? I'd like try authentication using AWS temporary credentials. Thank you!
Could you share 5.18 with me please? I would like to test and use the Streaming for SFTP downlods.
I would like to collaborate in this beta phase of the program,
Can you send me a copy of it?
Can you please send me a copy of 5.18.
Thank you. Can you confirm that this build contains the fix Bug #1876?
If so, it seems it is not entirely fixed yet. Files/folders with spaces still don't show up for me.
Sorry this is a bit OT here but I didn't know where else to reply. Can provide log if needed.
Hi, I would really appreciate to get access to the current beta as well.
I need it for this fix:
Sent to your email address.
Hi, I would really appreciate to get access to the current beta as well.
I need it for this fix:
Yes, please.
It's been only two weeks. Nothing has changed meanwhile.
Do you want to test the development build?
do you have any new information regarding the next update?
I would need the same functionality, too.