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Re: running a script to sync. directories

john742 wrote:

Great!!! That is exactly what I needed. Is there as place ot find this info?

For info about exclude/include mask refer to transfer setting documentation.
For info about "option" command type "help option" in WinSCP console.

Re: running a script to sync. directories

martin wrote:

option include "*.log"
If you want to synchronize also .log files in subdirectories you must allow WinSCP to enter them by adding mask "*/":
option include "*.log; */"

Great!!! That is exactly what I needed. Is there as place ot find this info?

Re: running a script to sync. directories

option include "*.log"
If you want to synchronize also .log files in subdirectories you must allow WinSCP to enter them by adding mask "*/":
option include "*.log; */"

running a script to sync. directories

Is there a way to only sync a specific file type in a directory ? Example: only sync .log files when multiple other file types are present?