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Topic review


Thank you for fixing the bug.

Thanks for your feedback. The fix will be included into the next release. Probably in about one month.

The version of the fixed bug access an empty drive correctly. Will it join the release?

I have send the email back with a log file.

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Re: 5.19 cannot access an empty drive

What ramdisk? What tool did you use to create it?

Re: 5.19 cannot access an empty drive

I tested it on a local ramdisk. All major versions prior to 5.17 were working. I'm an old user of WinSCP.

Thank you, I have downloaded the translation file of Ver.5.17.10.

Re: 5.19 cannot access an empty drive

Local drive or remote drive? What kind of drive is it? Do you mean that is was working is older versions of WinSCP? What version?

Why do you want to download older version of translation file? They are part of the installation package. If you want to downgrade, just download the old installer. Anyway, you can just edit the version number in the translation file download URL.

5.19 cannot access an empty drive

The Ver.5.19 cannot access an empty drive and reports an error:
System Error. Code: 2.

BTW: How can I download an older version of the language file?