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Re: TLS/SSL Explicit encryption first sets port to 990

Thanks for your feedback. Let me know if you have any problems.

Floutsch wrote:

It seems to loose what I've set occasionally. I'd like to stress that this seems very rare and I never noticed immediately!

It seems to happen, when you last closed the Login dialog with selected session that does not use TLS controls (like an SFTP session).

Re: TLS/SSL Explicit encryption first sets port to 990

Hi Martin! First of all, thank you for the incredibly quick response!

The "Set Defaults" was what I used to do exactly that. It seems to loose what I've set occasionally. I'd like to stress that this seems very rare and I never noticed immediately! It's not a big deal anyways. I have tried with the dev version you sent and in hindsight I should not have done the "Set Defaults" again immediately after starting it because now I can't verify which action fixed it. But:

I've set the default to no encryption and port 990 as it started up manually before. And now if I switch encryption type it does change the port appropriately. So I'd say it at least strongly looks like changing selection does always change ports and thus it's fixed.

Oh, and of course, after testing I've set the normal default after the one I described for the test ;)

Re: TLS/SSL Explicit encryption first sets port to 990

I was able to reproduce at least some part of your problem.

I'm sending you an email with a development version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Re: TLS/SSL Explicit encryption first sets port to 990

Thanks for your report.
So do I understand right that you have set the FTP with the explicit encryption as the default session settings using Set Default command?
And now, when you go to New Site, the encryption is not selected?
If you start WinSCP with new configuration like this:
winscp.exe /ini=c:\some\path\fresh.ini

Are you able to get WinSCP to the state where it fails they way it does with your main configuration?

TLS/SSL Explicit encryption first sets port to 990

I mainly use accounts with FTP using TLS/SSL Explicit encryption. One thing is that the saved default occasionally reverts back to no encryption. That isn't my issue but it may be related.

Sometimes when I select the New Site entry it's on no encryption but the port is always 990. Changing the encryption to explicit does not change the port. But selecting explicit, then implicit and after that explicit again it correctly puts 21.

It is not 100% reproducible but I can't figure out what other factors come into play. Without fail the effect comes to bear when New Site on opening is initially (not manually) set to no encryption and you change to explicit.

Edit: As is so often the case, right after posting I got a chance of filming it (sorry for the phone video):