Well. You were true.
I set a tunnel with putty, and then I connect with winscp on the localhost (with the port defined in the tunnel). It works very well.
Thank you
Thank you.
But I'm not sur it's the good way. If I understand something, ssh tunelling is for that configuration :
local machine ----- server (firewall)----- internet ------- host
But I ask the question for :
Local machine ----- internet ----- server ---- host (another server, I can only reach through the other).
You may want to try to setup SSH tunnel.
I must say that I know how to do what I'm asking with PUTTY, but I'm fed up with command strings...
Shame on me.
Hello !
Well, i'm asking myself this :
Is it possible to connect to an ip adress through another one ?
In fact, my problem is that I must connect from my local machine to the host through a server (firewall).
I don't know if i'm clear.