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Topic review


tcan wrote:

It's very strange because if it makes it through the compare phase then it will stay connected through very long uploading.

The error says "no-transfer-time exceeded". So the server has likely limit how long the connection can stay without a transfer occurring. In the "compare phase", there are no transfers.

Thanks. I am the admin of the client side, which actually is a server. But on the FTP server side it's cloud space. I'll have to see if they have something they can change. It's very strange because if it makes it through the compare phase then it will stay connected through very long uploading. And when it's idle it will keep the session open seemingly forever. Plus during compare it is of course very busy comparing files, so hardly idle.

Re: Long sync fails

It's the server that closes the connection.

It's strange that it closes a connection that is being actively used. There's hardly anything that WinSCP can do about it. Please ask your server administrator to configure the server better.

Long sync fails

When i try to sync if it's a big dir that takes a long time for the "compare" phase it times out and fails with an "error listing dir" "no-transfer-time exceeded". This dir has about 30k files. It takes minutes to compare and somewhere between 5-10min it fails. I've tried adjusting timeout settings that might apply but no change. I've read some posts hear about similar issues but couldn't get a clear solution. Log attached. Thanks.