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Topic review


mattrhymes wrote:

i have a question. and its even more of a rookie. how do i set up a login? it says i have to connect to a host and all this other stuff and i have no idea where to find any of that info

For beginning see our guide.

i have a question. and its even more of a rookie. how do i set up a login? it says i have to connect to a host and all this other stuff and i have no idea where to find any of that info

thanks :D

For a typical UNIX system, what would be the SSH server's name? should there be a line in the inet.conf file to activate?

Re: Server side setup for using winscp?

It seems that there is no SSH server running on the server or some firewall blocks the connection.

Server side setup for using winscp?

pardon me for asking rookie questions. I just installed winscp 3.8 on my windowsXP PC, tried to login to a UNIX server (with hostname, user name, password specified) and got the message saysing "Network error: Connection refused".
I believe something on the UNIX server (an AIX 5.3 machine) needs to be started and/or configured. Could you tell me what to do or point me to a documentation please?
The WinSCP login port number was the default 22, the "private key file" was not provided.
Thanks in advance.