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Topic review


WinSCP application is not anyhow connected to WinSCP site. The timestamps are completely unrelated.

Post a log file for your problem (with the timezone offset set).

They are the same with this forum posted time, meanwhile our current timezone is nearly 7hours behind. Are you setting WinSCP timezone with your location?

Let me know why modified date in winscp is different from local timezone.

Re: Modification date and time of downloaded files are wrong

In the log, there's no timezone offset configured:
. 2021-08-26 11:12:41.579 Timezone offset: 0h 0m

Modified date and time of downloaded files are wrong

Modified dates of file in FTP are 6 hour ahead of my timezone. I've tried to change the timezone offset in advance setting – it worked, but when I download those files, modified date ares still 6 hours ahead. How can I change it? Does it belong to preserve timestamp feature? My time zone is (UTC+06:30) Yangon (Rangoon). Sorry for my English is not good.