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Topic review


Re: understanding...

Anonymous wrote:

OK. Well. My BC++Builder Enterprise version 6.0 does not match. But tell, please, what distributive you have? Full name, please...

I'm using both Enterprise 6 and Personal 6 versions. Both have make. I doubt, there is a release of C++Builder without make. I do not know how to help you.


OK. Well. My BC++Builder Enterprise version 6.0 does not match. But tell, please, what distributive you have? Full name, please...

Re: addition

One more addition.
It is no make.exe file in C++ Builder folder and subfolders

You must use Borland's make. It should be in "bin" folder of your Builder installation.


One more addition.
It is no make.exe file in C++ Builder folder and subfolders

cannot compile winscp380 source code

Hi! I download source code for winscp380, install BC++B v6 Enterprise, download GNU Make version 3.75 and copy it to winscp380 source directory with makefile (e.g. c:\save\winscp380). In command line of WinXP SP2 (cmd.exe) after cd to winscp380 source directory I type make. Output:
makefile:2: *** missing separator. Stop.
what's wrong?
DNA? Hands? Head? Other?