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Topic review

M&H Consulting IT

How to move files from local source into remote folders, then delete the source file

We have a client who has multiple locations in the country. They use a cloud based server that all the users connect into. We cannot setup direct file scanning to this, due to vendor restrictions so we have made a work around. In their corporate office there is a PC that is running filezilla server. The various locations scan through their printers to FTP which ends up in a specific folder (which is determined by their physical location. EG there is a top level folder with folders for each location that they scan to). We then use WinSCP to synchronize those folders (and the items scanned into them) into their cloud site through an SFTP connection. The one way Sync has been working fine, but the problem is that when the users then either move those documents, delete them, etc. from the destination, the next time the sync happens it reuploads the same files. This has turned out to be a problem due to potential sensitive data being uploaded multiple times. Is there a way that we can have WinSCP move the items scanned into the various folders get deleted after being moved/copied from the source? The way it is now is the source points to the top level folder (which has the sub folders) and the destination has those same "named" folders in them as well. I dont want to delete any folders, but remove any of the uploaded files within those folders after the upload/sync to the SFTP destination side.