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Re: Password expired

murgandy7 wrote:

How do you enter a new password if your old one expired?

You cannot do that with WinSCP. You need to change it by other means, like SSH terminal.

Password expired

How do you enter a new password if your old one expired? I can access it fine using fugu, with the old one.

Thanks for giving your time,Martin. It just feels strange that sometimes it works.

Maybe this FAQ may help you.

So, my theory collapsed this morning, WinSCP is again refusing cooperation. So, I'll report here step by step:
I get WinSCP log in window and fill the information it asks. When I try to log in it opens: Server prompt- my username and hostname. There it asks password again: typing XXXX, I make sure I can see it myself so it's not here where the error occures -->OK--> Acces denied--> Authentication failed

Report: Searching for host
Connecting to host
Using username XXX
Using keyboard-interactive authentication
Acces denied
Using keyboard-interactive authentication
Acces denied....

I went to try again, and of course it worked. Could it be that it's too loaded certain moments of the day. When it doesn't work it was evening (in Finland)and early morning when I succeeded to log in.

Re: Login in

What is an error message? Can you post a log file?

Login in

I went to read FAQ but didn't find any answer for my problem. Which is that how come I can occasionally log in to take care my of website and the most of the time I can not. This is tirening and frustrating and normally I cannot make updates on my site when I need to. It keeps on asking my password and rejects it over and over again.

...and please, don't say I have to check if I spelled my password right of if other information is written correct. I give my head for that.
