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I really have to appologize! The file does exist but it's named connect.txt.txt (some remaining typing from the old days with DOS; that's what's happening if project managers try to work outside their core competences ...).
Long story short: It's working fine now

Again sorry about that and thanks for following up on this anyway!

Re: PostRe: having similar problem

Christoph wrote:

So, what about that error-message; do you have an idea?

I guess that it is pointless to ask you whether the file really exists and whether you have read access to the file :-)

PostRe: having similar problem

Hi Martin

Well, one has to differntiate:

- "winscp3.exe /console /script=c:\programme\winscp3\connect.txt" is resulting in that very short popping window Yves already mentioned while

- " /console /script=c:\programme\winscp3\connect.txt" results in the error message "cannot open file c:\programme\winscp3\connect.txt"

Moreover: " xxx@host.tdl /console (xxx@host.tdl is the default session in the GUI) is properly opening the session ending with the command line on the console; the same with .exe instead of .com just with the difference an addition window is opened.

So, what about that error-message; do you have an idea?

Re: having similar problem

So you also get the "EAccessViolation" error?

having similar problem

Hello all

Using Win2000 I'm facing the same issue: Using plain command "winscp3.exe /console /script=connect.txt" from command line is showing same result as Yves is reporting (while script-file is an adapted copy from the documentation-site). I went done to 3.7.6 as recommended but no change.
What I found interesting is the fact that the script command is not listed when typing help on the console (started with winscp3.exe /console). Does this ev. have any meaning or did I somehow miss an important part in the documentation? Thanks for your efforts

/Christoph, Berne-CH

You probably use 3.8 beta. Please downgrade to stable version 3.7.6.

ok, my fault.

Now I get the following:

batch        on
confirm      off
Keine Sitzung
transfer     binary
Keine Sitzung
Keine Sitzung


thanks for your replay.

I get the error message

Cannot open file script.scp

The script is in the WinSCP folder.

Re: First steps in scripting

Run the script from already opened console window (type 'cmd' into start/run box) to keep the results once the script finishes.

First steps in scripting


i have tried my first steps in scripting but i was not successfull.

I used the sample script and changed it a little bit like this:


# Automatically answer all prompts negatively not to stall

# the script on errors
option batch on
# Disable overwrite confirmations that conflict with the previous
option confirm off
# Connect using a password
# open
# Connect
open myuser:mypassword@myhost
# Change remote directory
cd /folder
# Force binary mode transfer
option transfer binary
# Download file to the local directory c:\
get config.h c:\
# Disconnect
# Exit WinSCP

To execute it i used to following command:

c:\programme\winscp3\ /console /script=script.scp

After this a window has opened and closed fast.

A manual connect by winscp is possible.

Whats my mistake? :?

Thanks for help!