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Topic review


You were faster. Anyway, I've added this to FAQ.

Thanks! After some more searching on the net I did manage to make it work :D

Could you please point me to some website which explains how to do this (for someone who is not very familiar with computer networks)? Actually I suspected that it is possible, but I didn't manage to make it work ... (I searched on the net several times)

Re: Connect to machine B through machine A

Use PuTTY to setup SSH tunnel.

Connect to machine B through machine A

I can reach computer B only by first logging in to computer A with putty, and sshing to B.

I transfer my files from B by first transferring them to A (using the command line sftp), and downloading them from A with WinSCP.

Is it possible to reach computer B directly with WinSCP (through computer A), so that I wouldn't have to type so much in the command line to get my files? (Logging in to A, then to B, tar-gzip-ing the many small files, sftp back to A, then use WinSCP to reach A from home -- that's a lot of typing passwords and commands).