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Re: SCP protocol error: Illegal file descriptor format

Jerk wrote:

pls help. I got the same problem

So, why don't you post a log file :-)

Re: SCP protocol error: Illegal file descriptor format

pls help. I got the same problem

Re: SCP protocol error: Illegal file descriptor format

Please post a log file, when it happens again.

SCP protocol error: Illegal file descriptor format


thanks for the new version - it's much better. though I've got this error twice wihle copying files from server to local hd:

Copying file 'admin' failed.
SCP protocol error: Illegal file descriptor format

then when I click ok, it brings windows popup window with the following text:

assertion failed: xdrPtr && xdrPtr == *xdrLPP, file xx.cpp, line 2233

and when I click OK, it says FAR abnormal program termination and far is gone

hope, this helps.

remote system is FreeBSD 4.9, protocol scp with default shell and ssh ver 1
