I appreciate it.
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I'm proposing that the user decides if they want to use Putty or not to make the connection.
Would it be possible to have an option of using Putty to connect to the session if WINSCP fails at logon? Maybe a little button that says, use Putty to connect. This would allow the user to connect to the server, at which time it would ask for the current password and then ask them to change it. After that, our system actually logs the user out. They can then use WinSCP to connect with the new password.
For non-interactive clients, SSH provides possibility to change expired password using keyboard-interactive (or similar) authentication. However I do not know how good support for this is in SSH servers.
I also encountered the same error message. Below is the log/error message.
Server sent disconnect message
"Password change required but no TTY available"
on my SSH server following error message is logged: "Password change required but no TTY available". Is it possible to inform the WinSCP user about this problem during his logging attempt.
The next step is, that WinSCP offers a tty connection to the server, to change this password.