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Re: Unable to Login to FTP Account With VPN Disabled

I changed from No encryption to 'TLS/SSL Explicit encryption' and all works regardless of VPN enabled or disabled.

Sure do appreciate the assistance on this.

Re: Unable to Login to FTP Account With VPN Disabled

In FileZilla you are using an encryption, while in WinSCP you are not. Can you try to enable the encryption in WinSCP? Post a new log if it does not help.

Re: Unable to Login to FTP Account With VPN Disabled

Appreciate the reply.
Log files attached.

Re: Unable to Login to FTP Account With VPN Disabled

Please post complete verbose logs both from WinSCP and FileZilla.

Unable to Login to FTP Account With VPN Disabled

Unable to login to an FTP account with VPN (ProtonVPN) disabled with the web hosting service I use (, however, connection can be made to FTP account using VPN.

Error displayed:
Transfer channel can't be opened. Reason: The requested address is not valid in its context.
Could not retrieve directory listing

I have used two different FTP Clients (SmartFTP and FileZilla) that are working regardless of VPN enabled or not.

I have also tested FTP connection using the Portable version of WinSCP (Windows 10 64 Version 5.19.2 Build 11614) and installable version of WinSCP (Windows 10 64 Version 5.19.5 (Build 11933 2021-11-25).

I typically use the default settings to connect to FTP account (FTP protocol, passive mode). I did try to enable the 'Force IP address for passive mode connections' and get below error:
Using host address XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX instead of the one suggested by the server:
Could not retrieve directory listing

I 'X'd' out the above referenced IP for security purposes.

If I can connect using SmartFTP and FileZilla and unable to connect to FTP using WinSCP, it seems that there is a default setting in WinSCP causing above errors.

Any assistance in resolving this issue would be appreciated.