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Topic review


Re: Problem with: keepuptodate

"When exactly did you create the new file?"

Re: Problem with: keepuptodate

I have retested with only 1 session.
I attach the new log.
Thank you very much

Re: Problem with: keepuptodate

There are three sessions in the log. Two GUI sessions and one scripting session. Which one should I be looking at? When exactly did you create the new file? Can you post log of one session only and give us exact time the file is created? I do not see any file beging created in the scripting log.

Anyway, in the GUI session I see that you have enabled "Existing files only" option.
And as you do not isolate the script from GUI configuration, the script likely uses that option too. Won't that explain your problem?

Re: Problem with: keepuptodate

So if you modify a file in C:\zdatos\SVR\Directorio, while the "keepuptodate" is running, the updated file is not uploaded to the server?
– Answer: The file is not uploaded to the server
How are you modifying the file?
– Answer: Simply copy a new file to the local folder.
Can you post a log file?
– Answer: Yes, I attach the log file.

I don't understand what is happening, I have done all kinds of tests and I can't get the command to work.
I sincerely thank you for your cooperation

Re: Problem with: keepuptodate

You didn't really answer my question.

Problem with: keepuptodate

The problem is that the keepuptodate command does not act in the mode:
– Local -> Remote
– Remote -> Local
It does not update the files and in neither of the two cases it responds.
It is stuck on with a fixed message:
Observing changes in 1 directories ...
Both in command mode and in explorer interface.

Re: Problema con: keepuptodate

So if you modify a file in C:\zdatos\SVR\Directorio, while the "keepuptodate" is running, the updated file is not uploaded to the server? How are you modifying the file? Can you post a log file?

Problema con: keepuptodate

WinSCP / Version: 5.19.5
Windows 11 Pro / Version 21H2

Protocol: SCP
Operación: scripting
Interface: Commander
Problema con el comando: keepuptodate

Ejecutando el script paso a paso:
C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP>winscp

winscp> open scp:// -hostkey="ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 384 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=" -rawsettings FollowDirectorySymlinks=1 SendBuf=0 SshSimple=0
Buscando servidor...
Conectando al servidor...
Usando el nombre de usuario «Dixxxxxx».
Autentificando con la contraseña guardada.
Iniciando la sesión...
Sesión iniciada.
Sesión activa: [1]
winscp> keepuptodate \zdatos\SVR\Directorio /D/SVR/Clientes/zPruebas/Copias
Opciones de sincronización personalizadas, diferentes a las opciones por defecto.
Buscando cambios, pulse Ctrl-C para abortar...
Explorando «\zdatos\SVR\Directorio» en busca de subdirectorios...
Observando cambios en 1 directorios...

Queda bloqueado sin respuesta, no ejecuta ninguna acción
Desde la interface Explorer pasa exactamente lo mismo