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Topic review


You got it, that was it. Thanks, Martin.

I wondered...I'll bet you nailed it there. Testing now.

So it is Windows interpreter (cmd.exe). I was trying it directly. When I issue the command via interpreter, it treats & as command separator. You must see an error message saying "xxx is not recognised as as internal or external command ...", where xxx is part after the '&'. Do you? Its enough to enclose the /log value in quotes:
WinSCP3.exe /log="d:\&s.log"

It's called from a batch file like this:
WinSCP3.exe /script=c:\scripts\FiletoIntermediary.txt /log=c:\scripts\File_retrieved.log

My hope is to append month and day to File_retrieved.log

How do you run WinSCP? I would suspect some interpreter to remove the &? patterns before running WinSCP.

If I issue /log=d:\&d.log, no log is written and no error message is issued

If I issue /log=d:\test&d.log it writes a log file named test and no error message is issued.

Re: examples

rmcree wrote:

it does not write the log file or offer an error message.

So it changes? Sometimes it does not write a log file and sometimes it shows an error? What is the error message? Please try to give more details.


If I run:
WinSCP3.exe /script=c:\scripts\script.txt /log=c:\test.log
it works perfectly.
If I run:
WinSCP3.exe /script=c:\scripts\script.txt /log=d:\&d.log
WinSCP3.exe /script=c:\scripts\script.txt /log=d:\&d_test.log
it does not write the log file or offer an error message.

Re: re:/log patterns

It works for me. What does it mean "it failes"? Any error message? Does it work at least with my simple example?

re:/log patterns

So I've been trying something like this:
WinSCP3.exe /log=d:\logname&d&m.log but it fails.
So I assume the name must be either all aribitrary text or all patterns, but not mixed?

Re: /log patterns

WinSCP3.exe /log=d:\&s.log

/log patterns


Would you post some examples of syntax utilizing &Y (year), &M (month), &D (day), &T (time), &H (hostname), &S (session name) patterns for log file naming conventions?
I'm using 3.81 and am use the /log parameter but can't get the patterns to work for me.