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@Frittenreinhold: The PowerShell code will be pretty much an equivalent of the C# code above:
$session.PutFile(New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream, "/remote/path/file.txt")

Hi Martin!

I've registered to the forums to ask for the same question – how to use the API to create a new file on the remote host like the new item context menu in the GUI.

Do you have an example for a similar method of MemoryStream or an alternative smooth solution for PowerShell by chance?


Re: How can i create a new empty file in remote server?

I do not understand what you ask for. So upload an empty file.
If you are asking for to upload an empty file without creating an empty local file to upload, you can use Session.PutFile and an empty MemoryStream (though we do not even know what language are you using, the following is a C# example):
session.PutFile(new MemoryStream(), "/remote/path/file.txt");

How can I create a new empty file in remote server?

I need that every time that I create a new folder (which is already coded) an empty index.html file be created, so I can avoid LFI vulnerability.