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Re: Using WinSCP script to change login password of a Raspberry Pi device

WinSCP is a file transfer client. It's not the right tool to automate shell commands. Although it can execute shell commands using the call command:
But you won't be able to execute passwd command with it.

Using WinSCP script to change login password of a Raspberry Pi device

I am trying to write a WinSCP script to change the login password of a Raspberry Pi device.

On a PuTTY command-line console, I would type passwd and then the following:
enter the current password [which is "raspberry"]

enter the new password [say, "raspberry2"]
retype new password

How can I implement these steps in a WinSCP script?

Here is what I have in the script file (script.txt):
# Connect
open sftp://pi:raspberry@
# Text for changing password to be placed here.
# Disconnect
# Exit WinSCP